Are You Quiet Quitting?

I have to make an apology.

I’ve been chatting to lots of women throughout this year who are struggling to keep up at work.


  • Put huge expectations on themselves to be “available” on Slack or email or phone.

  • Have a “guilt list”: a list of overdue or old items that no one’s chasing them for but they feel incredibly guilty not to have gotten to.

  • Feel distracted, find it hard to focus, don’t think they’re optimising their working hours.

But in a training I took last week, I found a new layer to all this.

In it, we went through Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace Report from 2023.

I want to share the statistics for the three categories they measured for employees globally.

Employee Engagement 2023

  1. 23% of you are thriving at work and engaged.

  2. 59% (!) of you are quiet quitting and not engaged.

  3. 18% are loud quitting and actively disengaged.

My apology is: I didn’t realise so many of you might be sitting in categories 2 or 3.

That would be making a huge impact on your motivation day to day and I have really useful strategies to help so stay tuned on the blog!

In the meantime, make sure you do your work/life balance calculation if you haven't already.


A Controversial View on Quiet Quitting


Unravelling Corporate Culture While Working From Home