Find More Time To Yourself

Do you constantly think you have no time to yourself?

And any time you do have (say that 1 hour of Gabby’s Dollhouse you give your toddler during the day) is filled with dishes, folding laundry and picking up the house?

One of the biggest mistakes I see Mums make in their day, is continuing to always “push through”.

Pushing through can look like:

  • Not taking a lunch break at work

  • Not making yourself a snack when you make your kids a plate full of colourful vegetables and fruits

  • Not going to the bathroom when you need to. Pushing through the dishes, hanging the clothes out or picking up the toy box before you take the time to stop for the toilet. (I surveyed you guys on my Instagram and 100% of you said you’d done this!)

    Some of the consequences I see from pushing through are anxiety, hating time with your toddler and dreading the day ahead when you wake up in the morning.

    Let me tell you a story about my client who went through The Balanced Mum Method.

When we had our initial call, she were feeling overwhelmed and anxious frequently and like there were not enough hours in the day. 

She often felt panicky and like she had a million tabs open in your brain, and she was often telling herself “don’t be this way”.

She told me that work and her daughter were often coming ahead of her relationship + that she didn’t feel like she could rest or sit and just be anymore. 

After she went through the Method she said: 

“My inner voice is kinder to itself.

I'm a more content person

It has helped me with my parenting and I am just SO happy and excited to raise an emotionally intelligent and in tune little person.”

And of course her relationship with her spouse improved because she was more present, and happier and taking more time for herself with less guilt. 

So how can you get time back in your day?

I’m going to offer some ideas, but more importantly I’m going to offer how to follow through and actually take the time instead of pushing through

  • Get up before your kids

  • Plan into your day when you’ll set up an activity for them and/or give them a device

  • Plan your evening 

Once you’ve chosen your time, you like most mums will be asking

How do you get the motivation to do things when you don’t feel like it?

We often plan to get up early, plan to do a workout while our toddler naps, or plan to study in the evening and ditch all of those ideas when the time comes.

So…choose one of those times and then ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. If this were simple and easy, what would I do?

  2. Why would I do this? Why would I not do this? (Listen for excuses) 

  3. How can I make this more fun?

Choose a time of day you’re going to take back for yourself and ask yourself those 3 questions.

If you want to hear my example of taking time to myself, and love listening to podcasts, you can download Episode #2 of my private podcast, The Time-Savvy Toddler Mum here.


Savor Time With Your Kids


How to Stop Feeling Like A Toddler’s Servant