June Recap and July Intentions

These posts are doing great things for me already… I realised I didn’t do one of my June intentions so I’m feeling accountable! Let’s dive in…

June Recap

Start my house search

Starting the house search has felt a little daunting. I used to move house pretty much every year, but after 7 ½ years in the same spot, I feel like I’ve forgotten how to move forward here.

I did go and see 2 houses and it brought up excitement about a new place, so there’ll be more of this in late July/August.

Enjoy the Secrets of Supermom Summit

It was so great to see so many of you inside Lori’s summit.

I had a huge number of people download my training, How to Make the Most of Naptime (welcome to you!) and it was so great to chat to other Mums about how to maximise their time. If you don’t have the training, you can grab it here.

However I did not…

Offer Plan Your Week trainings

I had a vision of planning my week with you guys on Sundays but with a European trip coming up and some other coaching activities behind the scenes, I had to deprioritise this one. Totally fine but I do love these sessions so they’re hard to sacrifice! 

They will be back but in the meantime you can download the Plan Your Week Workshop, where I take you through the full process, for just $49.

Here’s some amazing feedback from Hannah on the workshop…

“Before the Plan Your Week workshop, my husband and I had really fallen out of routine.

We did the workshop together on a Sunday night and said we both felt really positive about having our weeks planned out.

It really felt like we were in it together as we headed into the week & knew each other’s priorities for the week, both at work and at home.

We both noticed we had much better weeks at work that week too.

We even planned in doing our teeth whitening during the week & as it came up on my calendar reminder to do it, it felt good ticking it off the “to-do list”.

Anything new that came up we put on our kitchen whiteboard ready to plan the following week.

I no longer feel frazzled or like the wheels are falling off by mid-week and this has now become our Sunday night ritual over a cup of tea!

— Hannah

July Intentions

Enjoy my time in Europe!

I can’t even believe I’m writing that but I’m off to London and Copenhagen for 2 weeks in July.

It’s been 10 years since I’ve been in Europe and I’m so excited to enjoy one of my favourite cities (London) and a new city that looks incredible (Copenhagen). 

I’ll be catching up with friends I haven’t seen in person in a decade, and will also have time to prep some more fun things inside the business.

Implement Mummy Mondays

PSA toddler mums: someday you’ll be 6 months from your little one starting school! It’s so exciting but surreal to think our routine will be so different next year. 

So in order to enjoy the second half of the year and our last 6 months of weekdays together, I’m implementing Mummy Mondays.

I have a list of a few things I’d like to do (including returning to the Melbourne Museum and Healesville Sanctuary on quieter weekdays) but if you have any great ideas for how to use our days together, let me know!

Wow, that’s an exciting July ahead. What are your intentions for the next month? I’d love to hear!


How to Make Your Energy Last All Day


Ideas for your Evening Routine