Will You Fail At Your New Year’s Resolution?

Have you heard this incorrect statistic?

There’s a statistic that goes around at this time of year, which is that 80% of people won't achieve their new year’s resolutions and will give up on them by end of January.

I see this statistic all the time, and I think about it in terms of myself, and in terms of helping people reach their goals.

Just so you know: that statistic is based on an archaic study that was done on like 200 people, some of who wanted to quit smoking. The 80% failure rate was in fact after 2 years of trying on the goal.

So let's just recognise that statistic is from a really small research study.

And it's being splashed around on the internet, but it's not correct in terms of the general population.

So it's very possible that you will succeed with your 2024 goal.

What’s the correct statistic?

What is correct is that 80% of people are quiet quitting at work.

  • And what is also correct is that quiet quitting in one area usually bleeds over into other areas of your life.

  • So if you're feeling apathetic at work, you're generally less motivated to exercise.

  • You’re less into parenting.

  • You have very little energy for hobbies or relationships.

And that is the work that I want you to focus on this year.

How can you, no matter the circumstances of your life, or your job in particular... how can you still find motivation and energy to enjoy the rest of your life?

What support do you need for your goals?

This is something you can definitely do by yourself.

But it is also proven that it's much harder to self-direct, than to have somebody alongside you keeping you accountable or helping you out.

What support are you locking in now for the year of 2024?

If that support looks like a coach (and I would encourage you if you're still reading this that it is) then book in a call to talk to me about your year ahead.

We'll take a full look at your schedule and where in your life you're feeling apathetic, remember that you're #notdeadyet and actually look at how to BOOST all areas of your life so that you feel more energised and excited for 2024. Yes please!


What To Do On Frantic Days


How Your Brain Works Around Goals