Three Questions to Feel Balanced As A Mum

Balance is something us mums are always wishing for. 

We wonder, how we can perform at work, and be present with our kids, and keep the house going, and not feel completely weighed down and like we’re running out of time every day.

What you probably don’t realise is that balance is created by the thoughts you’re having. 

There’s actually no such thing as balance. 

I mean how could we measure if you had “balance” in your life? 

There’s just the feeling of balance that you’re looking for. 

There’s no scales to measure this balance on. It’s just how you want to feel day to day.

Everything we do is based on how we think it will make us feel. 

Doing another load of laundry, sending those work emails before bed, rushing our kids out the door - we usually think those things will make us feel balanced and in control, but they usually make us feel overwhelmed or stressed or panicked. 

They sound good on paper. A clean house, kids to school on time, getting ahead on the work day - they all sound good. But they feel pretty awful.

So if balance is an emotion you really want to feel, you have to work on how you think each day in order to start feeling it.

The first question to answer is:

On a daily basis, what are your top three feelings? Why?

Before I started doing this work on myself, my answers were overwhelmed, tired and loving.

I felt like I had so many areas of my life to manage, and that I didn’t get any downtime, but that I looked at V with love every day.

The second question to answer is:

What do you want your top three feelings to be?

Mine were energised, motivated and loving (I kept that one).

I wanted to have a more energetic attitude and stop moaning about being tired, I wanted to feel excited by my day and motivated to enjoy it, and yes, I still wanted to look at V with love. 

The third and final question to answer is:

How would your life change if you changed your day to day feelings?

I definitely felt I’d be more balanced, that I’d get things done with a better attitude, and I’d probably get more done in general from those feelings. Tired and overwhelmed wasn’t helping me get through my to do list.  

It’s quite likely you won’t have thought about what feelings you want to create every day. No one ever asks us this (except your coach!)

You probably think the feelings are just happening to you based on your situation. 

Try this exercise now and let me know in the comments what your top three daily feelings are now and what you want them to be in the future. 

If you’re willing, the feeling of balanced is just one thought away. You can book a mini session with me to find out what that thought is here


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